• Agfa Structurix G135

Agfa Structurix G135 

Developer & Replenisher 

The Agfa Structurix G135 developer is designed for automatic processing of X-ray films. The Agfa Structurix G135 developer is supplied in a box containing two identical semi-assemblies, each consisting of three components (5 liters of component A, 0.5 liters of component B and 0.5 liters of component C). Each of the semi-sets can be diluted with up to 20 liters of working solution.


  • Excellent stability when stored as a concentrate.
  • Stable performance at high temperature and high humidity.
  • Resistant to oxidation under normal operating conditions.
  • High development speed.
  • Exceptional contrast of the resulting images.
  • The self-cleaning properties of the finished solution prevent precipitation in the tank.

Ordering Information 

Three-part pack, for Automatic or Manual Processing to make either:

2 x 20 L Working Solution (automatic processing)

2 x 25 L Working Solution (manual processing)


Recommendations for dilution of concentrate G135

To dilute one semi-set of the developer, it is necessary to pour 5 liters of concentrate (component A) into a container with 10 liters of water (water temperature from + 15 ° C to + 40 ° C), add 0.5 liters of concentrate (component B) and add 0.5 liters of concentrate (component C). After that, it is necessary to add the remaining 4 liters of water to the resulting solution.

ATTENTION! After each addition of the next component of the concentrate, the solutions should be thoroughly mixed.

Storage conditions 

In the process of storage, chemical reagents should have optimal temperature limits, which, in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation, make up the temperature range from + 4 ° C to + 23 ° C. A positive temperature range for the use of these chemical reagents is primarily due to the high water content in their composition. These chemical reagents at low temperatures (up to -50 ° C) slightly change their physicochemical properties.

In case of freezing of chemical reagents, it is necessary to defrost them at room temperature and apply them as usual.

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Agfa Structurix G135

  • Brand: AGFA
  • Product Code: G135
  • Availability: Pre-Order

Tags: AGFA STRUCTURIX G135, Developer & Replenisher, Radiographic