AS 5282 Test Ring
Magnetic particle test piece
Our AS 5282 test ring is a magnetic particle test piece
that provides a quick way to confirm your DC output machine is working
properly. The ring has a number of pre-drilled holes, designed to simulate
subsurface defects. When processed using the continuous method, indications of
these artificial defects will form on the surface of the ring. The number of
indications allows you to assess the function of your magnetising current amperage
and the performance of your testing medium.
Place the ring on a
non-ferromagnetic central conductor (1”-1¼” or 2.54cm - 3.175cm). Clamp the
central conductor between the head and tailstocks. With the amperage set to
predetermined levels for every test, magnetise the ring circularly with a contact
shot using the continuous method of particle application. Refer to the table
opposite for the minimum number of indications that should be visible. A
consistent number of indications per level means the system is working
properly. We recommend that you benchmark the performance of each specific
combination of ring and magnetising equipment used, to detect any decrease in
Ordering Information
AS 5282 Test
Ring: 159999 A magnetic particle test piece with pre-drilled
holes to simulate subsurface defects. Complies with the following industry
ASTM E709-08 (Sections 14.2.2, 20.6.7 & 20.8.4)
ASTM E1444/E1444M-12 (Section 7.1.2, Annex A4)
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (Section V, Article 7: T-766.1)
SAE AS5282
Product Properties
NDT Type: Fluorescent
Magnetic Particle Testing, Visible Magnetic Particle Testing
Standards: ASTM E709, ASTM E1444/E1444M, ASTM E3024/E3024M,
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, SAE AS 5282