• Agfa X-Ray Film

Agfa X-Ray Film 

AGFA Structurix D2


Extremely fine grain film with very high contrast. Ideal for exposures requiring the finest possible detail rendering.

  • Electronic components
  • Composite materials
  • Castings (light metals and alloys)
  • Multiple film techniques

Ordering Information

  • Structurix D2 FW: 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 15cm x 40cm, 24cm x 40cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D2 NIF: 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.

AGFA Structurix D3


Ultra fine grain film with very high contrast. This film obtains a very high detail perceptibility, which meets the requirements of the most critical NDT applications. For exposure with lead screens, using either X-ray, gamma rays or radiation from megavolt equipment.

  • Electronic components
  • Composite materials
  • Castings
  • Very high quality welds
  • Nuclear quality
  • Aerospace and aircraft industry
  • Multiple film techniques

Ordering Information

  • Structurix D3 BLR: 100mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 305m.
  • Structurix D3 FW: 10cm x 20cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 13cm x 18cm, 15cm x 40cm, 18cm x 24cm, 30cm x 40cm.
  • Structurix D3 NIF: 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D3 DW ETE: 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 6cm x 24cm.
  • Structurix D3 PB Vacupac: 10cm x 40cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 48cm, 18cm x 24cm.
  • Structurix D3 PB Rollpac: 70mm x 90m.

AGFA Structurix D4


Ultra fine grain film with very high contrast. Suitable for a wide variety of critical applications. For exposure with lead screens, using either X-ray, gamma rays or radiation from megavolt equipment.

  • Electronic components
  • Composite materials
  • Castings
  • Very high quality welds
  • Defense and nuclear industry
  • Aerospace and aerospace industry
  • ​Multiple film techniques

Ordering Information

  • Structurix D4 BLR: 100mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 305m.
  • Structurix D4 FW: 5cm x 40cm, 6cm x 24cm, 6cm x 40cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 20cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 13cm x 18cm, 15cm x 40cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D4 NIF: 7cm x 40cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D4 DW ETE: 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 13cm x 18cm, 15cm x 40cm, 18cm x 24cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D4 DW Rollpac: 130mm x 61m, 180mm x 61m, 350mm x 61m, 35mm x 90m, 70mm x 90m, 100mm x 90m.
  • Structurix D4 PB Vacupac: 6cm x 12cm, 6cm x 24cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D4 PB Rollpac: 35mm x 90m, 70mm x 90m, 100mm x 90m.

AGFA Structurix D5  


Very fine grain film with high contrast. Excellent for visualization of discontinuities. This film is intended for use with lead screens, using either X-ray or gamma rays.

  • Welding
  • Castings
  • Shipbuilding
  • Aerospace and aircraft industry
  • Multiple film techniques

Ordering Information

  • Structurix D5 BLR: 70mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 305m.
  • Structurix D5 FW: 6cm x 24cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm,15cm x 40cm, 18cm x 24cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D5 NIF: 9cm x 12cm,13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm, 10cm x 40cm, 15cm x 40cm.
  • Structurix D5 PB Vacupac: 6cm x 24cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 30cm x 40cm.
  • Structurix D5 PB Rollpac: 70mm x 90m, 100mm x 90m.

AGFA Structurix D7


Fine grain film with high contrast and high speed. Designed for direct exposure or with lead screens. For exposure with lead screens, using either X-ray or gamma rays.

  • Welding
  • Castings
  • Shipbuilding
  • Aerospace and aircraft industry
  • ​Multiple film techniques

Ordering Information

  • Structurix D7 BLR: 100mm x 167.75m, 70mm x 305m, 90mm x 305m.
  • Structurix D7 FW: 6cm x 24cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 20cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 10cm x 48cm, 13cm x 18cm, 15cm x 40cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D7 NIF: 7cm x 40cm, 9cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 24cm x 30cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm, 10cm x 40cm, 15cm x 40cm.
  • Structurix D7 DW ETE: 18cm x 24cm, 24cm x 30cm, 18cm x 43cm, 35cm x 43cm.
  • Structurix D7 DW Rollpac: 130mm x 61m, 180mm x 61m, 350mm x 61m, 305mm x 61m, 35mm x 90m, 70mm x 90m, 100mm x 90m.
  • Structurix D7 PB Vacupac: 10cm x 12cm, 10cm x 24cm, 10cm x 40cm, 13cm x 18cm, 18cm x 24cm, 18cm x 43cm, 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm, 10cm x 48cm.
  • Structurix D7 PB Rollpac: 60mm x 90m, 70mm x 90m, 100mm x 90m.

AGFA Structurix D8


Medium grain film with high contrast and very high speed. Suitable for a variety of applications. This film can be used for direct exposure or with lead screens. It gives good image quality with short exposure times. If even higher speed is required, fluorescent screens, in combination with F8, should be used.

  • Welding and casting
  • Defense industry
  • Aerospace and aircraft industry
  • Composite materials
  • Multiple film techniques

Ordering information

  • Structurix D8 FW: 30cm x 40cm.
  • Structurix D8 NIF: 30cm x 40cm, 35cm x 43cm.

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Agfa X-Ray Film

  • Brand: AGFA
  • Product Code: X-Ray Film
  • Availability: Pre-Order

Tags: X-Ray Film, Radiography, D2, D3, D4, D5, D7, D8